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The Facts on Standing

The human body is designed to move

Whether it's time spent working (in the office, school or home), driving, eating or watching TV, the impacts our sedentary lifestyles, often referred to as “sitting disease,” may be one of the most unanticipated health threats of our modern time.

Illustrated man using a standing desk

The good news is...

By making simple lifestyle changes, we can make big strides to lead healthier lives. Mounting medical research proves that if we choose to stand up, sit less and move more, we can experience a great number of attainable benefits to our health, our minds and our bodies.

What You Need to Know

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It’s a common misconception that exercise can compensate for too much sitting.
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Even if you engage in the doctor-recommended 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per week, you are still subject to the negative impact of too much sitting.

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Low intensity activities like standing and walking are more important than most realize.
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In fact, low level activities play a crucial metabolic role and account for more of our daily energy expenditure than moderate-to-high intensity activities.

Sit. Stand. Switch.

Alternate between sitting and standing every 30 minutes for optimum health.
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Some of the research community are promoters of this sit-stand-switch philosophy.

The Benefits of Adding Movement

There are a great number of attainable benefits to our health, our minds and our bodies, if we simply choose to stand up, sit less and move more.

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Lower risk of serious health issues ranging from cancer to early mortality.

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Increase energy and productivity levels, lower stress and improve mood.

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Boost metabolism, tone muscles and even reduce common aches and pains.

Take Action

Frequent low-intensity physical activity, such as intermittent standing during the day, has far-reaching benefits associated with health, wellness, productivity and satisfaction. Here are quick tips to encourage movement at home, school and the office.

Home Quick Tips

  • Encourage kids to get up and move around between homework assignments
  • Answer morning emails at a standing desk or your kitchen counter
  • Practice the sit-stand switch when working or studying
  • Make time to get outside and be active with the whole family

School Quick Tips

  • Encourage standing breaks every 30 minutes
  • Create a variety of learning spaces and encourage kids to use them
  • Get outside with children to break up time in front of the TV, computer and mobile devices
  • Before a test or quiz, have students take a 5-minute walk around the classroom or home

Office Quick Tips

  • Practice the sit-stand switch: every 30 minutes; alternate between sitting and standing
  • Stand up when someone comes to your desk to talk about a project
  • Incorporate stretching or simple exercises into both seated and standing positions
  • Conduct standing or walking meetings with team members